
Local Council Elections

A close friend of mine is standing for the British National Party in the local council elections in May. He will be representing the Birkenhead and Tranmere ward so if any of the people reading this blog have friends in these areas encourage them to make sure they are registered and vote BNP. Follow the link at the bottom of this post for everything you need to know about registering.
     The BNP has always had a good reception in these areas despite the heavy Muslim population and it is good that the people of Birkenhead will have an alternative party to vote for other than the Lib-Lab-Con scum and the Green Party that have dominated the council for years due to a lack of opposition on our behalf. If anybody wants to help out setting up a stall in Birkenhead town or with leafleting please drop us an email or contact us on facebook.


A Nationalist

Labour 25

As many of those involved within nationalism will already know, a couple of months ago a list was produced of 25 (this number has now increased) Labour Party members who have been convicted for crimes relating to the sexual exploitation of children. But what many of you might not know is the bizarre obsession that the Labour Party has with sexual deviancy.
     The main offender is Harriet Harman who has called for the age of sexual consent to be lowered to 14 and even more worryingly wanted the laws concerning child pornography relaxed because she believes that a child may consent to having sex with an adult and then allow it to be filmed or photographed. Also a cause for concern is the Con-Dem governments plans to start teaching sex education in schools to children as young as 5. There certainly are some sick individuals out there!



Left Wing On The Run In Liverpool

Over the last few months there has been a massive amount of nationalist street action around the north-west of Britain, particulary in the city of liverpool. It started with a couple of low key confrontations with the degenerates of Occupy Liverpool, a group that tried to emulate the origional anti-capitalist movement Occupy Wall Street (a group i can personally identify with) but has failed miserably and become nothing more than a couple of dozen student types squatting in various buildings in the back streets of Liverpool town centre.
     On the 6th of this month 11 Muslim peadophiles where appearing in Liverpool crown court to be charged with various offences involved in the trafficking and exploitation of British teenagers. Although the national media tried to ignore the whole affair between 150-200 members of the BNP, EDL, NWI and CXF turned up to show their outrage at the crimes commited by both the child raping islamists and the people who protect them. A counter demonstration organised by Unite Against Fascism was organised but many of the usual loud mouthed lefties dissapeared halfway through the day after realising that they could not muster more than 30 members and being humiliated, shouted down and ultimately drowned out by the nationalist faction. the police couldn't even contain the large amount of right wing protesters and when the alleged peodophiles tried to leave the courthouse they had to be taken back inside for their own safety when the protesters broke through police lines and charged at the scumbags.

     Then on the 18th of Febraury the Irish Republican Flute Band and their IRA counterparts decided to march through the city centre in honour of an Irish terrorist who was responsible for the murder of 2 young |British boys. Needless to say a counter demonstration was organised in response, again around 200-300 nationalists and loyalists gathered on the streets of liverpool but where kettled in by the police which aggrevated the protesters and led to clashes witht the police. The coaches carrying the IRA supporters got halfway to town before the police told them to turn back after local youths from the estates around Scotland Road, famous for being a loyalist area, attacked the coaches with bricks and rocks. Once again the UAF where milling around town and assembled outside Liverpool Crown Court but where shouted into insignificance by the patriots.
     The left wing in Liverpool have never really been challenged and have spent their time assaulting BNP pensioners and writing blogs, therefore the complete lack of organisation and numbers on their side has come as a shock to nobody. I remember Phil Dickens once challenging the right wing to come to liverpool and suggesting that we would be opposed at every turn by militant Antifascists aswel as the residents of Liverpool. Well here we are Phil, what are you going to do about it?

No Surrender
See You On The Streets Comrades


Muslim Peadophiles And The Media Blackout

On Febrary 6th a number of muslim men will be appearing at Liverpool Crown Court to answer to charges of sexually exploiting underage british girls, the men aged between 20 and 50 are mainly from the rochdale and manchester areas and will be arriving with a large police escort.
     While i think it is great that the police have arrested and charged these disgusting people the subsequent media blackout of this story has completely baffled me. The Liverpool Echo newspaper has repeatedly deleted links and messages posted on their web site regarding the trial. What is it that the higher powers are trying to hide from the general public? One source has claimed that it is because the police fear violence and disorder outside the Crown Court building, violence and disorder that is only to be exacerbated by the council and police appearing to defend those that have commited the most attrocious of crimes. The fact that this whole affair has been kept in the shadows is a perfect example of the British Government deciding what the people of Britain need to know of and what they dont need to know of, well I say that it is our right as citizens of this country to be made aware of matters which invole the safety of our children. Has the institution decided to hide these events from the public eye because all of the men involved are Asian? It is no secret that gangs of asian men are often in the news with similar allegations made against them and maybe the media thought best not to aggrevate racial tension further. Would these media restrictions have been brought into place if the defendants were black or white? I think not.
     Im calling on everybody, regardless of your political leanings, to rally outside the courthouse and show the institution what we think about being kept int he dark about such matters.

Keep Up The Fight
Never Surrender